1892 - A.B. II and his brother Cornelius build a landing on the south side of Buchon Cove (see photo).  The landing consisted of a hole through the cliff and a 400 foot trestle that extended from the end of the tunnel and over the rocks.  At the end of the trestle was a 25 ft. movable apron that could be lowered with a block and tackle.  A few years later a barn was built on the bluff.  Bales of hay, sacks of beans, grain and live hogs were slid down the trestle unto the deck of a waiting steamer.

1892 - October 9 - (San Luis Tribune) "A new shipping point has been created at the mouth of Islay Creek.  Last Thursday the steamer Bonita discharged a large consignment of lumber and then took on board 2,500 sacks of beans and grain by means of a chute."

1895 - February 11th - (San Luis Tribune) "Spooner on the Pecho is the latest converts to start a creamery and is already purchasing milch cows..." 

The creamery was located behind the house; cream separator and butter churn were powered by a water wheel.  A mile up Islay Creek Spooner built a mill dam.  Water was channeled along Islay Creek through a flume to a water wheel at the back of the creamery.  The whey, the excess milk, went through a pipe into the hog pen located in the creek below the creamery.   (photo - making butter in the creamery)
1902 - July 28th - An agreement to sell between Isabella M. Cowell and A. B. Spooner II.  "All that portion of Rancho Pecho y Islay which lies north of the Canada de Diablo, containing 5,200 acres."  The price for the land was $38,000. - (Filed for record, July 30, San Francisco, Calif.)

1905 - A. B. II purchased the Bernard Coll Ranch which adjoined his property north of Islay Creek.

1912 - A. B. II and his sons Quincy, Carlton, and Alden III formed the "Pecho Land and Stock Company, Inc."

In later years A. B. Spooner II operated the Overland Automobile Agency in San Luis Obispo.  In 1926, at the time of his death, the Pecho Ranch consisted of nearly 9,000 acres.